
✿ The Continuance of Sweet Potato Slips Shipping Survivability Test

It has been a whole week since the shipping survival test of the sweet potato slips. How are they doing? Let's take a look!

I trimmed all the yellow and black leaves off and planted the stems in a small pot with garden soil followed by a complete soak. The pot was left on the porch without direct sun.

Wow! Yellow leaves greened up. Thanks to the sun!

Healthier look, isn't it?

A day of surprise! A tiny leaf bud broke out from the node on the leafless stem. It is definitely a good sign. Both cuttings have survived the shipping test and got over the stress of transplant. They will continue to grow and produce the sweet potatoes we all look forward to at the end of season .  If nature teaches us anything, it is that it will always find a way!

Garden Tips:
- Use soil that retains moisture but drains fast.
- Keep the soil evenly moist but never let it stay soggy.
- Protect the plants from direct sun and wind until the they are well established.


Thanks for visiting! © Lemon Halves 2015